The Seal of the Living God Crucifix
The Seal of the Living God Crucifix
Approximate size 25 cm by 13 cm, size may vary due to being handmade.
Il Libro della Verità Volume Quinto
Please note that the Cover Dates are incorrect. It should read 01 April 2014 - 06 May 2015.
This will be corrected in future copies printed.
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Il Libro della Verità Volume Quarto
The Seal of the Living God Crucifix
Approximate size 25 cm by 13 cm, size may vary due to being handmade.
El Livro de la Verdad - Volumen 1
Shipping included in price
Shipped from the US tracked USPS Mail
A6 Postcard sized - Glossy on the front and semi-gloss on the back, single sided.
Smooth finish.
10.5cm by 14.8cm - 4-1/8" x 5-7/8" - 105mm x 148mm
El Libro del la Verdad Volumen Dos
Envío incluido en precio. Enviado desde EE. UU.
Le livre de la vérité volume 4 (French)
All seals are printed in Latin only
These are hand-made.
Il Libro della Verità Volume Primo
Il Libro della Verità Volume Terzo
5 Settembre 2012 - 6 Giugno 2013
Sent from EU warehouse
Seal of the Living God Medallion
Approximately 2.8 cm wide by 3cm in length.
Czy wierzysz w to, że Powtórne Przyjście Chrystusa nastąpi w czasie twojego życia?
Livre de la Verite Volume Trois
The front of the medal depicts the Mother of Salvation with the sun in the background. Twelve stars, woven into a crown of thorns, sit on her head. The reverse side depicts the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the two swords of salvation – one which slays the beast and the other which pierces the hearts of the most hardened sinners – which are crossed on each side.
A6 Postcard sized - Glossy on the front and semi-gloss on the back, single sided.
Smooth finish.
10.5cm by 14.8cm - 4-1/8" x 5-7/8" - 105mm x 148mm